Quick Test Service
We provide the most professional service
P-Laser Singapore is providing the Quick Test to corporate clients only.
Test services are structured as follows:
1. Please contact P-Laser Singapore to make an inquiry for the test. You will be asked to fill up an application form which we will send to you by email.
2. You have to complete the all of blanks in the form affixing company's stamp onto the signature. After that, please send the scancopy to info@p-laser.sg form your company email address;
3. Upon receiving the completed form, we will send a confirmation via email whereby the test will be carried out in due course;
4. Please send the sample product to our designated address and do note that all delivery charges will be borne by sender for all the sample delivery trip(s);
5. We will inform you after the test, thereafter your company can arrange the retrieval of samples.
* If you expect more tests, you can also choose to contact P-Laser China for more quick testing. The laboratory in P-Laser China has better testing facilities. You may send in your request through P-Laser Singapore or email to info@p-laser.com.cn directly.